
11:30 Grand opening of the conference

-Conference opening

    • Rector of ANS Piła

    dr hab. Donat Mierzejewski, prof. ANS

    • Vice-dean for External relations Faculty of Health Studies, University of Pardubice

    Mgr Jan Pospichal, Ph.D.

    - Speeches by students of nursing faculty


12:00-12:10 – dr hab. Regina Sierżantowicz – Development trends in surgical nursing (National Consultant in Surgical and Operative Nursing; Medical University of Białystok; Faculty of Health Sciences; Department of Surgical Nursing)

12:10-12:20 – dr Paulina Mościcka – Comprehensive care for patients with chronic wounds (Polish Society of Angiological Nursing, Department of Perioperative Nursing; Collegium Medicum in Bydgoszcz)

12:20-12:30 – dr Błażej Ciesielczyk – Distinctive features of geriatric surgery (Stanisław Staszic Academy of Applied Sciences in Piła; Department of Physiotherapy)

12:30-12:40 – mgr Grażyna Bekas, mgr Katarzyna Żarnowska – Patient after trauma in the neurosurgical ward - case report and nursing interventions (Stanisław Staszic Specialist Hospital in Piła, Department of Neurosurgery)

12:40-12:50 – dr Grzegorz Ulenberg1, mgr Zofia Tekień-Jankowska2 - Application of indirect intravenous catheters in practice (Department of Perioperative Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, Collegium Medicum in Bydgoszcz, UMK in Toruń1; Department of Basic Clinical Skills and Postgraduate Education of Nurses and Midwives, Faculty of Health Sciences, Collegium Medicum in Bydgoszcz, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Medical Simulation Center2)

12:50-13:00 - mgr Klára Václavíková - Mobbing and Its Prevention in Czech Healthcare: A Cross-Sectional Study (Faculty of Health Studies; University of Pardubice, Czech Republic)



13:30-13:40 - dr Emilia Wawszczak - "Perioperative care for a patient with a rare disease (EB) (Department of Clinical Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Collegium Medicum Warsaw)

13:40-13:50 - dr Agnieszka Ulatowska, prof. ANS, dr Anna Basa, prof. ANS - The use of medical simulation in achieving learning effects in the field of surgical nursing (H. Cegielski Academy of Applied Sciences in Gniezno; Institute of Health Sciences)

13:50-14:00 – dr Izabela Zapalska – Geriatric patient in the surgical ward (Stanisław Staszic Specialist Hospital in Piła; Surgery ward)

14:00-14:10 – mgr Anna Pawłowska – Patient in the prehabilitation center – how to achieve patient’s will to really prepare for surgery – experience from working at the Prehabilitation Clinic of the Piła Hospital (Stanisław Staszic Specialist Hospital in Piła)

14:10-14:20 – Sandra Klocek – Indirect intravenous catheters – own experiences (Stanisław Staszic Specialist Hospital in Piła; Department of Intensive Care and Anesthesiology)

e- poster:

  1. "Awareness about the prevention of testicular cancer and testicular self-examination among high school students." - Gracjan Szprejda, Nikola Jurczyńska, Kinga Grzybkowska, Oliwia Pinkowska, Agnieszka Jeżycka, Agnieszka Mazur, Anna Żdanowicz (Stanisław Staszic Academy of Applied Sciences in Piła; Student Scientific Group of Nursing Innovations)


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